Saturday, 16 November 2013

Backache Acupuncture

Among afflictions that plague modern man, backaches rank third, following heart disease and cancer. Statistics indicate that 50% of people forced to abandon work do so because of problems involving the back. Such problems are often very painful. Acupuncture is a very effective method for treating back pain.

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a complete and natural system of medicine based on principles that have been used in the Orient for the last four thousand years. It works with the natural energies inherent within all living things. When this energy is balanced through acupuncture therapy, the body's vitality is restored and the body begins to heal itself.

How does Acupuncture Help Back Pain?
In four ways. First, it stimulates the production of endorphins, the body's natural pain killers. Second, it blocks the transmission of pain signals to the brain. Third, it increases circulation in the problem area and promotes tissue regeneration. Fourth, it effectively deactivates trigger points, which are overly sensitive spots beneath the skin that sometimes "trigger" pain or other symptoms into a "reference" zone, an area in a different part of the body, either close or far away. Trigger points are often involved in cases of chronic low back pain.

Why Should I Choose Acupuncture as a Form of Treatment?
For one thing, there are no side effects. Conventional methods of treating back pain involve surgery or pain-relieving medication, which often cause unwanted side effects. Acupuncture relieves pain in a natural way without side effects, and it is very cost-effective. For another thing, acupuncture does not just treat the symptoms of backache. It is a holistic system of medicine, which means it treats the whole person. Some degenerative changes that occur in the back are the result of imbalances involving the whole body. By balancing the energy of the body, systemic changes often occur, and the patient will notice an overall improvement in health.

How Many Treatments Are Necessary?
Each person is unique. Some people will respond to acupuncture more quickly than others. It is not uncommon for patients to experience significant relief after one or two treatments. Six to ten treatments within a three to five week period is a normal course of treatment, and then the case is re-evaluated. Sometimes periodic maintenance treatments are recommended.

Are Other Methods of Treatment Used along with Acupuncture?
At the Natural Medicine Clinic, we combine herbal medicine and therapeutic massage to get the best possible results. Herbal medicine strengthens the body and enhances the functioning of the immune system. Massage increases circulation in affected areas and helps to deactivate painful trigger points. We also give nutritional guidance when appropriate. The old adage "you are what you eat" has proved itself to be true time and time again.

Can Other Conditions Be Treated by Acupuncture?
Absolutely! The World Health Organization lists over forty diseases that respond to acupuncture therapy, including hypertension, digestive disorders, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, pre-menstrual syndrome, stress disorders and depression.

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